Community service had finally come to an end yesterday. I am so gonna miss them. Although, I am still not so sure about their names except for Nicholas and Soon Yong. ehehehe =P Maxine was absent, Yin Ming and Shiwei went back very early. Leaving Alini, Mei Wern, Roha, Darsh and I there. Omg. Speaking of Alini, pity her wei... Got knocked at the chin and was bleeding terribly . The next thing I know, i noticed the small girl was feeling guilty ! Haih ... I am speechless already.
A group pic. Yin Ming was the photographer.

Sharminee and I. Met during the commity service. We can be good friends in six days, man!

I was giving out some Sugus sweets.

Alini and I. Another good friend of mine.

This is the small little girl. She is so damn Heavy! AND I can actually carry her wei~
Guess what, I was actually hugged and kissed by this girl !!! ARGH! She molested me! =(
Haih... Its ok. No one wanted to save me though. Mei wern also another one. She didn't save me! Hmph!
Isn't she cute ? Although, she's a very naughty girl. She was the one that knocked Alini with her hard head and ended up having a "feel bad" face. Haih...

She's holding the "glow in the dark" pencil, given by Sharminee.
You know, It's very hard to take pic with her. She'll be moving around. Sheesh~~~

Giving sweets to her. Sorry, the pic is quite dark here.

ANd this marks the end of my community service in Wisma Harapan.
Some addition stuff,
Seriously, I can see it in myself that i am not the type of person to forgive and FORGET. I do forgive people but the "forget" word will not work * not all the time lah, I do forget only for certain people * on me if there are "some people" who made me ANGRY as in VERY ANGRY. Plus, with rumours flying around and ended up reaching my ears. It doesn't help making the situation any better. I don't know whether the rumours are true or not. But i just can't help listening to it. Anyway, I will just go on fake smile and if there is another time "some people" made me angry. I will not resist myself and explode just right in front of everyone. And I seriously do not want it to happen.
Sorry, I have been babbling alot lately. =D
Till then, tata~~~