Hey people!
Surprisingly, I feel like blogging today. Siau d. Hahahaha =)
By the way, I was uploading some pictures from my camera and I came across these pics that I took from my latest camp. 3 days 2 nights with my fellow prefects. It was a camp for the unit beruniform and prefects. 30 Oct till 1 November.
I like these pictures! Look so nice! =P
Surprisingly, I feel like blogging today. Siau d. Hahahaha =)
By the way, I was uploading some pictures from my camera and I came across these pics that I took from my latest camp. 3 days 2 nights with my fellow prefects. It was a camp for the unit beruniform and prefects. 30 Oct till 1 November.
I like these pictures! Look so nice! =P

Almost all November kids look so small. =)

Bersatu padu mah. Got lots of colour punya tangan. Can see my hand?
The Tun Hussein Onn group. *still think it is such a swt name

That's all for now, yea.. I just finished my freaking long Bio peka while blogging. Hahaha.
I kept on wondering why do these people even bothered to create a thing called J-tube. Aiseh. OKlar. tata~
I kept on wondering why do these people even bothered to create a thing called J-tube. Aiseh. OKlar. tata~