Yo People! I'm back, with another report in my hand. I attended this BAKP (Bengkel Anugerah Ketua Pesuruhjaya) which was stated in my agreement with AW MAXINE. This time, my sis was here for this camp as Pn. Toh's penolong jurumasak. Wakaka! At home, I have never ever seen her cooking something else other than Maggi Mee and fried egg. Thank goodness, the food during the camp were edible. =D
Day 1
As for me, I was in Maxine's group punya Jurumasak. ^^ I did cooked ok? Our group's name is "Lautan Selatan" hehehe.

It was "persiapan kumpulan " time. So, at least 4 people of our group set up the A tent, while I was doing the flag pole.

The dome tent

This is one of our group picture. I like this picture the most. It seems so natural looking~~ People, please turn your attention towards Maxine's face. She's so "berpandangan jauh".

Now, she's promoting the origami book "ABC" and the others were like promoting chicken rice in a tupperware.
Kraftangan time

Alyea ( Asistant sub-camp commandan) was doing the origami thingy until she got sleepy.

Tea time

And it was time to prepare lunch. Fried chicken, Tauge, Onion rings ( we added ourselves =P ), fried egg and plain white rice. I know, we were just having teatime awhile ago. Haih... Sometimes they just feed us a lot during the camp. From this camp, I have gain some weight. :(
Guess wat is this?

Look at that face of Maxine. She sure loves promoting stuff. This time is "Tepung Goreng"
She was mixing up the flour for the chicken. Er.. Got Maxine's hand essence on the chicken. And SOMEONE actually believed me to put water onto the flour and ended up becoming a ... Oh well, that's how did the fried wantan chicken came from.
Look at her expression! WAKAKAKa!


By the way, this is the outcome of the "kraftangan" session.
From an animal farm to a park. My group is so creative...

And, malam kebudayaan started at night.
This is the "Makarena" dance. Not sure how to spell it...
When suddenly, Pn. Toh came in and said " Got leftovers of Watermelon!! You girls better eat it up!" And the competition of who finishes the watermelon first will get a present from Pn. Toh.
We were the cheerleaders for our group.
Roha was representing our group for that competition.

After the malam kebudayaan, the others took their bath except for sis and I. Pn. Toh was telling us about the Enzyme. It is a very environmental-friendly activity. The enzyme is actually a tong full with organic wastes ( aka garbage). According to Pn. Toh, it is a very useful stuff . You can use it to wash your dishes instead of using the normal detergent which is chemically produced.
if not your cucu will not have a place to stay. ah hem...

The Enzyme

After that, I did my penceramah test. Read two sajak , " Nafsu" and " Kenangan" which is "dedicated" to Pn. Toh. Instant mee work.. hehehe.

Yin Ming also did the same thing.

Woke up at 6. So sleepy~~~ Prepared breakfast for my group with Roha.

The 'colours' lead by Pn. Lucy.

Our group pic. I don't like this person way of taking this pic. Eish.


Preparing for lunch.

Yes, with my sis. We had fried rice, soup and limau barli

Amirah also joined us for lunch.


Khidmat masyarakat time.

We went to the MBA building for khidmat masyarakat

We were all waiting in the meeting room, waiting for further instructions.

My "sexy" hair :D

Concerntrating on sticking stickers on the envelopes with May Vern

A nice pic, according to my sis's "talent" in taking pictures. JK only.
At least, my sis can take pictures better than me.

People, look at the way Amirah sticked the stickers on the envelope. It is supposed to be straight and in the middle! tsk tsk.

A van fulled with envelopes.

Pertandingan antara kumpulan

Interview with Pn. Phang. This is for my penceramah test. Another syarat.

Yin Ming, Amirah and I

Another part of pertandingan antara kumpulan

Preparing for dinner. For the first time, I cooked a PASTA !

The sauce for the pasta

The campfire begins.

Maxine dengan "macho-nya" holding the "unggun api". Not sure what is it call. I was just hoping that fire would actually burn her hair. Hehehe. I don't have alot of embarassing pic of her from this camp. Too bad. Maybe she's trying to behave very well.
p.s: JK, ok? :P

" Campfire's buring, Campfire's buring, campfire's burning~~ "

Nice fire~

A game during the campfire night. Carven's group won.

They're supposed to move the chair without touching the floor.

Tadaa~~ first group to reach the finishing line.

One group actually broke a chair during the game.
O.O very "geng"

Celebrated Pn.Lucy's birthday during the campfire night.

Comparing our heights. Sis, Maxine and I.
Haih... The miserable me...

Green tea cake. I like eating the cake. Losheni ( the one holding the camera ) gave me a slice of that cake.

Their COH meeting. I was not in there. Sis took the picture.

While they were having their COH, I was doing my penari test.
The stick dance

Then continued my penceramah test with Pn.Toh

Preparing breakfast. French toast and sausages.

All the other groups prepared breakfast in their own kitchen except for us. Guess why?
AN ANTHILL was right below my kitchen!!! Yew.
Sis, Maxine and Carven were killing the ants using shieldtox.
Suddenly, they got a bit crappy.

Haih... Maxine. Busuknya kentut awak. Even Carven also said so

Promoting the shieldtox, right after murdering thousands of ants.

For the sausages, we must set up our own fire.

Our campsite.
The closing ceremony.

We got a cake from Losheni's mom. It was so delicious~~~ I like the condensed milk in between the cake. Yummy~

Next post will be about the visit of Nara Council, Girl Scouts of Japan
Until then, tata~~